A boosting system in the melting area (melting booster) supplies additional energy directly to the glass bath. Whereas small and medium-sized furnaces are normally equipped with a single electrical booster, for larger installations it is advantageous if the installed electrical energy is split between two separate systems. This exerts the maximum influence on the convection currents and can produce high specific melting capacities.

The installation of an electric booster around the hot spot (barrier booster) increases the convection currents and this stabilises the glass flow in the furnace. This has a positive effect on the glass quality.

Both boosting systems lead to a higher melting capacity. The substitution of fossil energy by electricity reduces CO2 emissions. SORG designs and delivers the whole spectrum from single components to complete systems. All parts and systems are tailor-made according to the special requirements. For the energy supply, SORG has a wide range of possibilities, from fixed transformers to very efficient individual developments.

  • Higher melting capacity
  • Increase of efficiency and glass quality

The installation of an electric booster around the hot spot (barrier booster) increases the convection currents, stabilising the glass flow in the furnace. It has a positive effect on the glass quality. Both boosting systems lead to a higher melting capacity. The substitution of fossil energy by electricity reduces CO2 emissions.